Visit To OrjaBox Solar Center


Visit To OrjaBox Solar Information Center Listed Below Are The Activities Performed:

1. Display and demonstrate 8 types of cookstoves including solar and biochar steam cookers.
2. Display Solar Driers
3. Solar lights and lamps
4. Biochar kilns and process
5. Solar dried products
6. A snack cooked on green fuels
Session duration: 2 hours
Fees: Rs. 200
Discount: 5% discount on group bookings for 5 to 10 people

View Gallery: Happy Participants.

Visit To OrjaBox Solar Center – Solar cooking is fun and the slow-cooked food tastes delicious.

OrjaBox is a startup working in the sustainable cooking sector. OrjaBox sets up cooking stations working on solar energy and bioenergy.  We conduct awareness sessions and conduct demonstrations for renewable energy awareness.

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